Dedh Trei Hans Seytek ha Dogens

De Sadorn, tryja warn ugens mis Kevardhu

Saturday, 23rd December

Ma othom dhebm a howl! Nag ew an gewer hedhyw yeyn, saw an eborn ew leun a cloudys. Na ellama gweles an mor, saw my ell y glowes. Thewa pecar'a whyrny anhedhek en pelder. Nag ew hei pecar'a kewer en curlys! Nag ujy nagonan ow cana a gloudys.

Mir! Emesk an ergh...

My a wrug sedha war donnen las ... en golow an howl...

I need sun! The weather today is not cold, but the sky is full of clouds. I can't see the sea, but I can hear it. It is like a constant humming on one note in the distance. It's not like weather in carols! Nobody sings of clouds.

See! Amid the snow ...

I sat on a green bank ... in sunshine ...


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