Dedh Trei Hans Peswardhek ha Dewgens


De Merher, ügensves mis Kevardhû 

Wednesday, 20th December 

Tho vy clav. Ma annes war ow brest vy. Theram ow saya dhe cessya heb pâsa, saw na ellama. Da via genam gweles ow theylû ken Nadelik, bes res vedh dhebm bos gwiskys en mask. Na ellama mos dhe weles Gool Montol en Pensans, saw my ell mires ort an video ma. 

I am ill. I have got a cold on my chest. I am trying to stop coughing, but I can’t. I would like to see my family before Christmas, but I will have to be wearing a mask. I can’t go to see the Montol Festival in Penzance, but I can watch this video. 


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