Dedh Trei Hans Dogens ha Dew

De Gwener, ethves mis Kevardhû

Friday, 8th December

Eus calander Adhwen dhew? Lies flogh a's car. Herwedh ûsadow mons ow tallath an kensa dedh a vis Kevardhû ha mons ow tiwedha an pajwora dedh warn ügens - üdn jedh ken Nadelik. Keniver dedh, ma beister po daras dhe vos egerys - dhe dhiscüdha choclet, whegen, tegen po faverans aral. An kensa calander argraffys a veu dyllys en Jermany nanj ew cans bledhen hag ügens. Lebmyn whei ell gweles calanders gwres a baper, cart, predn po plastek. Radn anodhans ell bos dasûsyes pub bledhen (gen royow bian nowydh). Nebes ew ras ha nebes ew ker. Nebes ell bos adhescansek.

Do you have an Advent calendar? Many children love them. Usually they start on the first day of December and they finish on the 24th - one day before Christmas. Each day there is a window or door to be opened - to reveal a chocolate, sweet, trinket or other treat.The first printed calendar was published in Germany 120 years ago. Now you can see calendars made of paper, card, wood or plastic. Some of them can be reused every year (with new little gifts). Some are cheap and some are expensive. Some can be educational!


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