Dedh Trei Hans ha Seyth warn Ugens

De Yow, tryja warn ugens mis Du

Thursday, 23rd November

Theram ow pedery a dermyn a vedn dos, nessa bledhen, nessa mis Est. An gewer en mis-ma, en mis Du, ew drog. Nag ew da genam mis Du, re leb ha tewal ew ev. Theram ow qwatyas howl en mis Est. Pe ymach a via vas rag ow halander? Gwerhes martesen, rag an Zodiak, po ster?

I am thinking of the future, next year, next August. The weather in this month, in November, is bad. I do not like November, it is too wet and gloomy. I hope for sun in August. What image would be suitable for my calendar? A virgin perhaps, for the Zodiac, or stars?


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