Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ugens ha Whetek

De Lun, tryja warn ugens mis Hedra

Monday, 23rd October

My a welas an loor. E veu loor derevel (drehevel). Ew hei loor leun?  Pur vras ew hei, saw an eborn ew comolek ha nag eus dhedhy min cler. En gwir etta, haneth en nos thew an kensa qwatron tro an loor. An nessa loor leun a vedh moy diwedhes e'n mis. Na ellen nei gweles bes hanter an loor lebmyn. Hedhyw thew dedh treylyans ewedh, ma'n Scorpyon ow tallath. Gellys ew an Vantol.

I saw the moon. It was moonrise. Is it a full moon? It is very big, but the sky is cloudy and it does not have a clear edge. Actually, tonight is the first quarter of the moon's cycle. The next full moon will be later in the month. We can see only half of the moon now. Today is also a day of change, Scorpio begins. Libra is gone.


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