Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ugens hag Eth

De Lun, pempes warn ugens mis Gwedngala

Monday, 25th September

Lowen o vy dhe gerdhes gen kei e'n howlsplan hedhyw. Lies tycky-Duw ha gwenen o lowen e'n howlsplan ewedh. Wheg o sawarn an flourys idhyow, ha leun a whirny ens. My ell henwel udn tycky-Duw avel mantel rudh, bes ma nekevy genam hanow an tycky-Duw aral. Mar deg ew ev, blewek y gorf ha brith y eskelly. 

I was happy to walk with a dog in the sunshine today. Many butterflies and bees were happy in the sunshine too. The scent of the ivy flowers was sweet, and they were full of buzzing. I can name one butterfly as a red admiral, but I have forgotten the name of the other butterfly. It is so beautiful with its furry body and its speckled wings.


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