Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Wonan

De Lün, etegves mis Gwedngala

Monday, 18th September

Thera livyow dhe nebes vorrow en Caresk drefen an glaw. Thera glaw òbma ewedh, saw nag o mar dhrog. An vôwnder ew nebes slotterüs, saw whath nag eus dowr lowr rag an gover. Lôwen ew an kernogow dû dadn an geryn law, ha thew tycky-Duwes ha gohy da lowr.  

Several roads in Exeter had floods because of the rain. There was rain here too, but it was not so bad. The lane is a bit muddy, but there still isn't enough water for the stream. The toads under the rain butt are happy, and butterflies and wasps are OK. 


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