Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ugens ha Whegh

De Sadorn, tryja warn ugens mis Gwengala

Saturday, 23rd September

Ma keniver tra ow treylya hedhyw. De a veu an diwettha dedh arwòdh an Zodiak "An Werhes". Hedhyw ew an kensa dedh arwòdh an Zodiak "An Vantol". (Ello whei ajon (aswon) an constellacyons e'n ebòrn (ebron)? Hagensoll, hedhyw ma'n howl a-ûgh keheja an bes, etho thew an "keheja dedh ha nos" - an dhew ader dro dewdhek our. Wòja hebma, an nosow a vedh hirra avel an dedhyow. Tabm ha tabm, an nessa trei mis a wra treylya moy ha moy tewal. Ma'n kidnyadh òbma en dhiogel. 

Everything is turning today. Yesterday was the last day of the Zodiac sign "Virgo". Today is the first day of the Zodiac sign "Libra". (Can you recognise the constellations in the sky?) Furthermore, today the sun is above the equator of the world, so it is the "equinox" (equal day and night) - both approximately twelve hours. After this, the nights will be longer than the days. Bit by bit, the next three months will become increasingly darker. The autumn is certainly here.


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