Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ugens ha Seyth

De Sul, pajwora warn ugens mis Gwedngala

Sunday, 24th September

Eus glawlen dhe whei? Nag ew hedna pur vas en Kernow drefen an gwens. Ma dhebm lies glawlen nedhys ha cabmys. Na wrug anjei durya pell obma. Rag glaw ha gwens warbarth ma othom dhewgh a gota stanch gen hod. Martesen nessa seythen e vedh othom a dalhat calish. Ma gwarnyans a wenjow crev ha taclow ow neyja! Bes en mis Hedra nei alja cawas kewer dobm moy. Gwrewgh gwitha agas glawlen avel howllen. 

Do you have an umbrella? That's not very useful in Cornwall because of the wind. I have many twisted and bent umbrellas. They did not last long here. For rain and wind together you need a waterproof coat with a hood. Perhaps next week a hard helmet will be needed. There is a warning of strong winds and flying things! But in October we could have more hot weather. Keep your umbrella as a parasol. 


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