Dedh Dew Cans ha Whegh warn Ugens

De Lun, pajardegves mis Est

Monday, 14th August

De Sul, therama ow mires ort an ryvar en Penryn. Leun ewa en hav a scathow bian, gen terweythyow udn lester brassa. Nag ew teg an lester bras - lester whel ewa. Ma gwernow ha golyow dhe'n scathow bian, saw na wruga vy gweles gorhel tayr gwern. Na whath. Bes ma'n Gorholyon Hir ow tos dhe Falmeth en scon. Greg Martin a gemeras nebes fotos marthys, gorholyon teg gen tayr gwern.

On Sunday, I was looking at the river in Penryn. In summer it is full of little boats, with sometimes a bigger vessel. The big vessel is not pretty - it is a working vessel. The little boats have masts and sails, but I did not see a three-masted ship. Not yet. But the Tall Ships are coming to Falmouth soon. Greg Martin took some wonderful photos, beautiful ships with three masts.


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