Dedh Dew Cans Dogens ha Dew

De Merher, degves warn ugens mis Est

Wednesday, 30th August

Gero nei mires emann (yn bann)! Pandra wra nei gweles? Hedhyw my a viras emann ha gweles edhyn - chicoges parys dhe neyja dres mor. Genowgh farwel edhyn ha hav! My a viras an trolergh emann ha jynn-tedna ha kert a gala ow tremena. (Dew jedh ken Mis Gwedngala!) Ew hedna kei war an carg? Ledan lowr ew an vorr lebmyn, an keow ew trehys. Ha res veu kentrevek trehy y wedhen rag kyttrin scol dhe dremena.

Let's look up! What will we see? Today I looked up and saw birds - house-martins ready to fly abroad. Goodbye birds and summer! I looked up the footpath as a tractor and trailer of straw were passing. (Two days before the Month of White-straw!) Is that a dog on top of the load? The road is wide enough now, the hedges are cut. And a neighbour had to cut his tree - for the school bus to get by.


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