Dedh Dew Cans ha Pemp

De Lun, pajwora warn ugens mis Gorefen

Monday, 24th July

En Kernow ha Sillan hedhyw tho an gewer gwenjek. An gwens o yeyn lowr. An eborn o glas - terweythyow blou ha terweythyow loos, gen cloudys gwydn. Bettegens, deffrans o war enesow en Mor Cres. Ena, tho an gwens tobm ha crev, ow fanya lies tan gwels. Na alja an eborn ha'n howl bos gwelys awos mog tewl.

In Cornwall and the Scillies today the weather was windy. The wind was quite cold. The sky was "glas" (blue/green/grey) - sometimes blue and sometimes grey, with white clouds. However, it was different on islands in the Mediterranean Sea. There the wind was hot and strong, fanning many wildfires. The sky and sun could not be seen because of dark smoke.


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