Dedh Dew Cans ha Pajar

De Sül, tryja warn ügens mis Gorefen

Sunday, 23rd July

Creunyores o vy. Ma dhebm taclow coth en seher ha copartys. Terweythyow theram ow cavas neppeth nakevys (ankevys). Ero whei owth ajon an gwias ma? Martesen tho whei re yonk. Lebmyn thew ev plüvek (gwres nanj ew termyn hir gen Ownter Fred), saw e'n gwerryans tho va parashût. Oll sortow taclow a veu gwres gen owrlyn parashût – otta goon mariach (en museum).

I am a hoarder. I have old things in bags and cupboards. Sometimes I find something forgotten. Do you recognise this fabric? Perhaps you are too young. Now it is a pillow (made a long time ago by Uncle Fred), but in the war it was a parachute. All kinds of things were made of parachute silk – here's a wedding gown (in a museum).


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