Dedh Dew Cans ha Naw

De Gwener, ethves warn ügens mis Gorefen

Friday, 28th July

Pe le ma'n hav? Pe le ma'n howl? Loos ew an eborn comolek, loos avel lüjiw. Nag ew loos liw lôwenek. Terweythyow thera vy ow ton dilhas loos, vas ens. Bes gwell ew genam rüdh - thew hedna liw moy lôwenek. Lôwen o vy dhe weles avalow rüdh war ow gwedhen.

Where is the summer? Where is the sun? The cloudy sky is grey, as grey as ashes. Grey is not a cheerful colour. Sometimes I wear grey clothes, they are practical. But I prefer red - that is a more cheerful colour. I am happy to see red apples on my tree.


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