Dedh Dew Cans ha Dew

De Gwener, kensa warn ugens mis Gorefen

Friday, 21st July

Hedhyw tho vy sqwithüs ha sqwithys. My wrug kerdhes, redya, mires orth tele, debry ha scrifa - bes oll a taclow na o blewek. Ma othom dhebm a art. Martesen avorow my a vedn liwya po tedna nebes flourys. My alja gwil carten rag pednbloodh ow howethes. Bloodh hei ew pajar ugens.

Today I am boring and bored. I walked, read, watched TV, ate and wrote - but all those things were boring. I need art. Perhaps tomorrow I will colour or draw some flowers. I could make a card for my friend's birthday. She is eighty years old.


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