Dedh Cans Pajar Ugens ha Whetek

De Sadorn, pemdhegves mis Gorefen

Saturday, 15th July

En hav per cov gwav. Hav ew lebmyn ha ma frûtys bian war wedh. E vedh avalow lowr rag kidnyadh, saw anjei a vedh debrys ken gwav! Ma odhom dhe nei a wedh moy. Ma avalow saw nag eus per. Ma'n mor dû ow pleujyowa e'n ke, bes re ûhel ens. E vedh calish dh'aga cuntel.

In summer remember winter. It's summer now and there are little fruits on trees. There will be enough apples for autumn, but they will be eaten before winter! We need more trees. There are apples but there are no pears. The blackberries are blooming in the hedge, but they are too high. It will be hard to pick them.


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