Dedh Cans Pajar Ugens ha Seytek

De Sul, whetegves mis Gorefen

Sunday, 16th July

My ell kerdhes gen fram kerdh. My a gerdhas e'n vownder ha mires adro. Thera lies bran e'n pras agan kentrevoges, ha lies anodhans ow neyja e'n ayr. Rag fra ma mar lies? Udn tycky-Duw a neyjas ogas dhe'm troos. My a welas nebes moy.

I can walk with a walking frame. I walked in the lane and looked around. There were many rooks in our neighbour's meadow, and many of them flying in the air. Why are there so many? One butterfly flew near my foot. I saw several more.


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