Dedh Cans Trei Ügens hag Eth

De Sadorn, seytegves mis Efen

Saturday, 17th May 

Fortüdnyes ew an Metêrn! Ma dhodho dew bednbloodh. Y bednbloodh gwir ew en mis Dû saw hedhyw a veu y bednbloodh “sòdhogel”. An pednbloodh a veu golys gen solempnita ha devosak – gen trei cans margh ha lies soudoryon – gen mûsek ha bandys ow keskerdhes ha bandys war geyn margh. Gwithlû Kembra a dhisqwedhas aga baner (aga “liw”). Nei a welas lies liw – rüdh, gwydn ha glas rag baner an Wlascor Ûnyes. Gwiskys o Prynses Gembra en gwer emerôd, gen brôcha shamrock, rag Gwithlû Werdhon. Na wrüga vy gweles liw veth rag Kernow. Nag eus Gwithlû Kernow.

The King is lucky! He has two birthdays. His real birthday is in November but today was his “official” birthday. The birthday was celebrated with ceremony and ritual – with 300 horses and many soldiers – with music and marching bands and mounted bands. The Welsh Guards showed their flag (their “colour”). We saw many colours – red, white and blue for the United Kingdom flag. The Princess of Wales was dressed in emerald green , with a shamrock brooch, for the Irish Guards. I didn't see any colour for Cornwall. There are no Cornish Guards.


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