Dedh Cans Dogens ha Seyth

De Sadorn, seythves warn ügens mis Me

Saturday, 27th May

Ew an ebòrn nos aswonys genowgh? Ello whei gweles "An Tarow" po "An Gevellyon" emesk an constellacyons? Lebmyn, nag ew termyn vas dhe vires. Mowns e'n ebòrn termyn an jedh ha ma'n howl aga cüdha. Diwedh arwòdh an Zodiak "an Tarow" a veu ügensves mis Me ha dallath sin an Gevellyon a veu kensa warn ügens mis Me. Whath en gwav ma othom a ymajinacyon dhe weles best po persons.

Are you familiar with the night sky? Can you see "Taurus" or "Gemini" among the constellations? Now is not a good time to look. They are in the daytime sky and the sun hides them. The end of the Zodiac sign "Taurus" was 20th May and the start of the sign of Gemini was 21st May. Even in winter it needs imagination to see an animal or people.


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