Dedh Cans ha Trei

De Yow, terdhegves mis Ebrel

Thursday, 13th April

Radn ow yonkneth, Mary Quant, ew gellys, pajar ügens ha terdhek hy bloodh. Da o genam hy dilhas. My a bernas patrons paper ha padnow. My a drohas ha gwrehas. My a wras pilednow cott ha côtys. My a wrüg degy bottys hir. An üdn duwon? Re danow ha crüllyes o ow blew - na aljama cawas an gis blew na.

A part of my youth, Mary Quant, is gone, aged 93. I liked her clothes. I bought paper patterns and fabrics. I cut and sewed. I made miniskirts and coats. I wore long boots. The one sadness? My hair was too fine and curly - I could not get that hairstyle!


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