Dedh Trei Ügens ha Naw

De Gwener, degves mis Meurth

Friday, 10th March

Ma meur a whel dhe wül! Bes na vadna vy y wül. Nag eus whans dhebm dh'y wül. Blewek ew. Ma bern a dowellys ha dilhas rag golhy. Bes fatel dh' aga seha? Henn ew an qwestyon. Glaw a wra. Gleb ew e'n lowarth ha nag eus whans dhebm a ûsya sehador tredanek. An re na ew drog rag an kerthydnedh. Ellama gortos terebo kewer segh? Na ellama, dres lycklod. My a dal kerdhes gen an kei, bes na vedn ev mos mes.

There's a lot of work to do! But I won't do it. I don't want to do it. It is boring. There's a heap of towels and clothes for washing. But how to dry them? That is the question. It is raining. It is wet in the garden and I do not want to use an electric dryer. Those are bad for the environment. Can I wait until there is dry weather? Probably not. I ought to walk the dog, but he won't go out.  


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