Dedh Whetek ha Dogens

De Sadorn, pempes warn ügens mis Whevrel

Saturday, 25th February 

En gordhûher de, en gòlow nebes tewal, my a welas best et ow lowarth. Na wrüga vy y weles kens lebmyn. Thera va ow tebry neppeth war an dor. An liw ew pecar'a lowarn, saw re vrâs ewa dhe vos lowarn. Y arrow o re hir. Na aljama gweles pur gler drefen na veu ow gwedrow genam.  An kei a harhas hag ev a labmas dhe ves a-ugh an ke. Martesen my a welas yorhel bian. Nag o olow e'n mettin ma. 

In the evening yesterday, in rather dim light, I saw an animal in my garden. It was eating something on the ground. Its colour was like a fox, but it was too big to be a fox. Its legs were too long. I couldn't see very clearly because I didn't have my glasses. The dog barked and it leapt away over the hedge. Perhaps I saw a little roe deer. There were no traces this morning.


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