Dedh Dogens ha Wonan

De Gwener, degves mis Whevrel

Friday, 10th February

Theram ow scrifa neppeth rag flehes. A vedh ev saga hir po whedhel bian? Na wora vy. Piw ew an gwarioryon ha gwarioresow? Ma gwragh yonk henwys Senara. Gwell via genjy bos duwes! Hei a venja bos pecar'a Gwener. Bes nag ew da genjy an pictour gen Botticelli "La Nascita di Venere". Hy blew ew liw cabm!

I am writing something for children. Will it be a long epic or a little story? I don't know. Who are the players? There is a young witch called Senara. She would rather be a goddess! She would like to be like Venus. But she doesn't like the picture by Botticelli "The Birth of Venus". Her hair is the wrong colour! 


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