Dedh Dogens (Dew Ügens)

De Yow, nawes mis Whevrel

Thursday, 9th February

Hemm ew treth teg, saw nag ew an dowr tòbm. Thera nei re bell tûa'n Noor.  Nag era nei ow qwachas gweles cronek ervys a'n mor. Bettegens, nebonan a gavas an best bian ma hag y sawyas, yeyn ha hanter-marow. Ha dew vest moy a veu sawys war drethow a Gernow. Lebmyn saw ens en aqwarium. Anjei a veu grevys gen enawellow ha degys gen frosow a'n mor brâs. Alja anjei mos tre en termyn a vedn dos?

This is a beautiful beach, but the water is not warm. We are too far to the north. We do not expect to see a turtle. However someone found this little animal and rescued it, cold and half-dead. And two more animals were saved on Cornish beaches. Now they are safe in an aquarium. They were disturbed by storms and carried by ocean currents. Could they go home in the future?


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