Dedh Dewdhek ha Dogens

De Meurth, kensa warn ügens mis Whevrel

Tuesday, 21st February

Terweythyow my a wel neppeth ha nag eus camera genam. Henn ew grevos. Hedhyw my a welas "bargas". Fatel veu hedna treweythüs? "Ma'n bargas ow halya neppeth der an ayr," my a brederas. An dra o brâssa vel an bargas.  Hûjes kelgh o va, gen both e'n cres hag asow pecar'a ros. Pandr' ewa? Na wora vy! Ellowgh y weles? Ma va ena en neb le e'n cloudys!

Sometimes I see something and I don't have a camera with me. That is frustrating. Today I saw a helicopter. How was that unusual? "The helicopter is hauling something through the air," I thought. The thing was bigger than the helicopter. It was a huge circle, with a hub in the centre and spokes like a wheel. What is it? I don't know. Can you see it? It's there somewhere in the clouds!


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